
Thursday, 4 March 2010

Flop of a Pavlova

Hiya guys.. Had a couple of downer days recently.
I was going to make a Chocolate Pavlova with Strawberries, but I couldn't get the pavlova right.
Instead of having a fluffy meringue, I always end up with a meringue disk looking pav...
I attempted to get the pav right about five times in the span of three days...all flops! It's so depressing...
In the process of baking they always seem to be puffing up nicely but on the cooling down period, they all just flopped! ~
I've made this recipe several times before, and I have always found this as an easy dessert... So I don't know what made my attempts such failure this time around.
So for this week, I produced nothing...
Anyway, I might make some comforting cookies to make myself feel better this weekend :)
Bisou bisou,

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