
Monday, 30 August 2010

Sometimes you feel like a nut

Ever wonder how the nuts we all love to munch on look like before harvest, yes??? Check this post out.. such a fabulous work of art from nature! :)

Bisou bisou,


  1. Charlotte, thanks for the great post, very interesting. The only ones I knew were the chestnuts and cashew nuts. The chestnut, only recently when
    I came here to Korea. They use it a lot and every package has the picture of the chestnut inside its casing. And the cashew nuts are widely grown in Brazil. Even My parents have one of those trees in their garden! What do you do with the red "thing"?? Its's an amazing fruit excellent for making juice, very popular and deliciously refreshing!!! You should try it! It's also full of vitamin C. And, just one more information.. The cashew nuts have to go through some kind of baking process before it gets nice and golden like the ones you see in the picture!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for the information Renata!:) I always thought the red part of the cashew is not edible.. I'm curious on what it taste like now.. just wondering where I can get hold of it.. :)


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