Monday 14 June 2010

Cream Cheese Brownies

Brownies, oh brownies! It used to be one of my favourite treats; now it's just on my 'has been' list. I sort of have a love-hate relationship with brownies. I used to sell loads of them during Christmas for three years, but as a result I got sick of eating brownies. Even just the mere scent of a brownie batter made me feel icky... It went so bad that at one point, I actually had to wear face mask while making them.

Don't get me wrong, I still love making and sharing my brownies with people. It gives me great satisfaction when people are enjoying them. My repulse to brownies is not as bad now, I can actually get myself to eat a piece or two! Oh, and no need for face mask when making them. Not only did brownies make my small business a success, it is actually the first dessert I made when I was 12; brownies made me love baking. So brownies will forever be dear to me no matter what!

What's great about brownies is you can play around with different flavour combinations like peanut butter brownies, peppermint brownies, black forest brownies, etc. One of my favourite variation is the cream cheese brownies. Not only does it taste great, it looks exquisite as well. The marble effect on top of the brownies makes the comforting look of brownies into pure sophistication.

Components used for this dessert treat:
Bisou bisou,

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